Benefiting from the wage gap- Outsourced IT jobs salary survey

September 5, 2018 admin 0 Comments

The drivers of productivity for any company are its dedicated resources. So, the primary objectives set for any organisation are to make best resources available in the lowest possible costs. These ambitions can be easily achieved by outsourcing businesses to a region with lower wages and expert resources. IT industry is specially leveraging the outsourcing phenomenon considering the fact that web development is not bound to a specific work station or region. Further, the rising competition and downturns in economy have given a major boost to the need of a cheaper way of development that doesn’t require a whole office setup. Having this considered, software companies in Pakistan, India and Philippines etc. are offering skilled IT professionals to fill in the technology gap along with  fully furbished office setups to start quick. The trend started with sending low-level tasks offshore, but gradually expanded to fully outsourced large-scale IT development projects.

Outsourcing is now a leading industry with major stakeholders looking to scale up their businesses by cutting down huge costs. IT development companies have specially realized the potential and setup their remote  with onsite offices onshore to keep the communication intact. IT companies can now easily get the required expertise without having to spend much on the operational costs and software development is now outsourced by many major organizations to handle different technical projects. Software development companies can choose to fully outsource an IT project or hire virtual resources as an extension of their in-house team. Top software companies in 2018 are outsourcing web development, tech support, software and application development, database development and much more.

Average Salaries for Outsourced Developers

Outsourcing industry has flourished over the period benefiting from the wage and exchange rate gap between different countries across the shores. The differences have proven to be mutually beneficial for the companies on both sides. Many sophisticated IT companies offshore are now working in software development industry as the leaders in information technology with well-trained technical experts. A comparison between the average salary of different software development related jobs for in-house and offshore resources is listed below:

A comparison of In-house and Outsourcing jobs wage

The regional factor

A survey shows that IT outsourcing is a $88 bn market and its scope is enhancing exponentially as companies face lesser barriers in communication and work behaviors with outsourced resources. This happens as IT outsourcing companies fully realise the scope of their business and how to get the remote IT resources setup for the international working environment. To cope up with any challenges, the remote IT developers are provided extensive training about their roles as team members of international clients. Further,  massive globalization has already crushed many barriers and the world now runs on the cloud.

Time Zone Differences

The IT outsourcing countries do not have drastic time zone differences with the client countries that gives significant overlapping work hours to both. However, many outsourcing partners arrange remote employees following the same hours as the clients. Below mentioned are some major IT development client companies and their time differences with outsourcing partner countries.

Time zone differences between outsourcing and client company countries

Outsourcing Assurances

As more and more software development companies are hiring IT outsourcing services, the offshore services providers have produced advanced processes. Partnering with any registered company offshore makes you entitled you complete confidentiality. Top software houses sign NDAs with the client organisations to secure their data. With the launch of GDPR law, the outsourcing companies now strictly abide by the data privacy laws to remain in business.

Read ‘Is GDPR an end to outsourcing’

Key benefits of IT outsourcing

Hiring remote software companies for your IT projects majorly benefits you in saving costs but also aids you to:

  • Enhance efficiency
  • Focus on your core business areas
  • Save on office setup
  • Access talented IT professionals
  • Save on equipment and operational costs
  • Easily replace resources

Partner with Zepto Systems

Zepto Systems has proved to be a top software outsourcing company in Pakistan with more than 10 years of experience and an on-site office in London, UK.
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Choosing us as your IT outsourcing partner will provide access to our top-notch certified remote resources available to work for you without any delays. Get in touch with us today to get a free initial consultation regarding your IT development needs and hire a team on a one month free trial.

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